“I believe in quality gymnastics and the ‘total child.’ I feel that some children are going to be great gymnasts and some will be average, but they can all give 100% effort. I strongly believe that through the effort they put into this sport, they can develop the work ethic and character that it takes to learn anything they desire and become a success. As a benefactor of the time invested in competitive gymnastics, our athletes become stronger, more flexible, have great body control, in addition to learning amazing gymnastics skills. Gymnastics also enhances social, emotional, and intellectual development. But the most fascinating part of gymnastics is to witness is a child’s confidence, self-esteem, pride, and personal standard grow. This is what I call ‘the lessons between the flips.’ The flips they lose after time, the lessons are theirs to keep for a lifetime. I would not be the person that I am today without the 10-year journey of competitive gymnastics. It is this gift that I want to give back to as many children as I can.”

– Coach Albert

Atheltic Director

Turning A Sour Event Into Something Blue

At CPG, we care.

The CPG Pasadena coaches toed the line, with blue toenail polish, in solidarity and support of a student who was bullied for wearing blue toenail polish and then quit attending class. Upon the student’s departure from the gym, the coaches sprang into action. The family was invited back with the promise that all wrongs would be righted. The entire staff painted their toenails blue in order to demonstrate the values of the facility and the appropriate behavior and nondiscriminatory attitude expected of all athletes in and out of class. 

with Kim TurnerKevin Spooner and Rachael Sylvis